Page 11 - ZEB AnnualReport 2015
P. 11


          Organizational Structure           The Centre has a General Assembly and   as a forum for testing the relevance of the
          The Research Centre is organized as a   an Executive Board. The General Assembly   work and to help disseminate the results to
          joint NTNU/SINTEF unit, hosted by The   includes all partners. The General Assembly   appropriate Norwegian audiences.
          Norwegian University of Science and   gives guidance to the Board in their decision-  The main participating NTNU departments
          Technology (NTNU). The Centre leadership is   making on major project management   are Dept. of Architectural Design, History
          thus shared between the two organizations.    issues and approval of the semi-annual   and Technology (host institution), Dept. of
                                             implementation plans. The Board is
          Centre Director: Professor, PhD Arild   responsible for the quality and progress of   Civil and Transport Engineering, Dept. of
          Gustavsen, NTNU, Faculty of Architecture   the research activities towards the Research   Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, and Dept.
          and Fine Art, Dept. of Architectural Design,   Council of Norway and for the allocation of   of Energy and Process Engineering. The
          History and Technology.            funds to the various activities. The Board is   main SINTEF units participating in the Centre
          Sept-Dec. 2015: Professor Anne Grete   comprised of the Centre management and   are SINTEF Building and Infrastructure,
          Hestnes, NTNU, Faculty of Architecture and   partner representatives. The user partners   SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, and
          Fine Art, Dept. of Architectural Design, History   have majority on the Board and are selected   SINTEF Energy Research. In addition,
          and Technology.                    from different groups of user partners.   cooperation is established with other relevant
                                                                                 FMEs. SINTEF has status as research
          Centre Manager: Senior Senior researcher,   The International Advisory Committee has   partner in the Centre.
          PhD Anne Gunnarshaug Lien, SINTEF   representatives from leading international
          Building and Infrastructure, Architecture and   institutes and universities and will ensure   The Work Package (WP) leaders coordinate
          Technology                         international relevance and quality of the work  the research tasks within the WPs, and report
          From Jan. 2016: Senior researcher, PhD   performed. The Reference Group consists   to the Centre management.
          Ruth Woods, SINTEF Building and    of representatives from end user groups
          Infrastructure, Architecture and Technology.   and relevant organizations and is used both

          Senior Scientiic Advisor: Professor
          Anne Grete Hestnes, NTNU, Faculty
          of Architecture and Fine Art, Dept. of
          Architectural Design, History and Technology.

          Centre Industry Liaison: Vice President,
          Research, Terje Jacobsen, SINTEF Building
          and Infrastructure.

          European Research Contacts: Professor
          Annemie Wyckmans, NTNU, Faculty
          of Architecture and Fine Art, Dept. of
          Architectural Design, History and Technology.   The Centre leadership: Thomas Berker, Inger Andresen, Bjørn Petter Jelle, Ruth Woods, Arild Gustavsen,
                                             Anne Grete Hestnes, Terje Jacobsen and Hans Martin Mathisen.
                                             Birgit Risholt was not present when the photograph was taken. Photo: Ole Tolstad

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