test about


About the Centre

The vision of The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings, ZEB, is to eliminate the greenhouse gas emissions caused by buildings. This national research centre will place Norway in the forefront with respect to research, innovation and implementation within the field of energy efficient zero-emission buildings.

The main objective of ZEB is to develop competitive products and solutions for existing and new buildings that will lead to market penetration of buildings that have zero emissions of greenhouse gases related to their production, operation and demolition. The Centre encompasses both residential and commercial buildings, as well as public buildings.


ZEB activities

The activities for ZEB are divided in five work packages, these are:

WP-1: Advanced materials technologies

WP-2: Climate-adapted low-energy envelope technologies

WP-3: Energy supply systems and services

WP-4: Energy efficient use and operation

WP-5: Concepts and strategies for zero emission buildings



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