
Hus på plussiden
Publication Year: 2015

Summary This chapter reports an approach to enhance the mechanical strength of silica aerogels via densification. Although the loss of porosity and consequently the increase of thermal conductivity of silica aerogels represent drawbacks related to the densification process, a combination of enhanced mechanical performance and optical transparency indicates that the densificated silica aerogels may be used as new glass material for window glazing application. Preliminary experimental results indicate lightweight (density 1.8 g/cm3, compared to 2.5 g/cm3 for float glass) and thermal insulating (thermal conductivity k ≈ 0.18 W/(mK), compared to about 0.92 W/(mK) for float glass) aerogel glass materials with high visible transparency…

Abstract: Background Phase change materials (PCMs) have been proposed as a means to increase the thermal inertia of glazing systems. These materials have optical features that need to be investigated and characterised in order to better understand the potential of these systems and to provide reliable data for numerical simulations.   Methods The spectral and angular behaviour of different PCM glazing samples, characterised by different thicknesses of PCMs, were investigated by means of commercial spectrophotometer and by means of a dedicated optical test bed that includes a large integrating sphere with a diameter of 0.75 m. Such equipment was necessary because…

Abstract Realisation of Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) for residential use cannot succeed without: minimising leakages, increasing thermal insulation and using reliable and energy efficient system solutions. However, very airtight houses may have a negative impact on thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Focussing on ventilation systems then becomes a requirement. In cold climates, temperature differences between indoor and outdoor air often exceed 40 °C during winter. State-of-the-art heat recovery systems may not be able to handle these differences while providing proper air quality and preventing excessively dry indoor air. The present study of energy recovery systems focuses on apartment buildings located…

Abstract Background Phase change materials (PCMs) have been proposed as a means to increase the thermal inertia of glazing systems. These materials have optical features that need to be investigated and characterised in order to better understand the potential of these systems and to provide reliable data for numerical simulations. Methods The spectral and angular behaviour of different PCM glazing samples, characterised by different thicknesses of PCMs, were investigated by means of commercial spectrophotometer and by means of a dedicated optical test bed that includes a large integrating sphere with a diameter of 0.75 m. Such equipment was necessary because of…

ABSTRACT Space-heating using wood stove is a popular solution in many European countries. Nevertheless, nominal powers of state-of-the-art stoves are oversized compared to the needs of highly-insulated building envelopes, such as passive houses. In this respect, a simplified wood stove model has been developed in order to investigate the thermal comfort using detailed dynamic simulations (e.g. TRNSYS) at an acceptable computational cost. A specific experimental setup has been developed to validate this modelling procedure, especially as regards the interaction between the stove and the building. The largest source of error appears to be the thermal stratification in the room where…

Abstract Shading systems are widely used, also in Nordic climates, in conjunction with glazed facade in office buildings. The primary functions of the solar shading devices are to control solar gains leading to cooling needs during operational hours and reduction of discomfort caused by glare. A secondary property of shading devices incorporated in glazing units is that they can be utilized as an additional layer in the glazing unit when the shading device is deployed. This can improve the thermal transmittance value (U-value) of the windows. It can be deployed during night-time or in periods when a blocked view does…

Abstract The CO2 emissions from a building’s power system will change over the life time of the building, and this need to be taken into account to verify whether a building is Zero Emission (ZEB) or not. This paper describes how conversion factors between electricity demand and emissions can be calculated for the European power system in a long term perspective through the application of a large scale electricity market model (EMPS). Examples of two types of factors are given: a conversion factor for average emissions per kWh for the whole European power system as well as a marginal factor for…

This PhD thesis provides an analysis of central processes related to the creation, negotiation and communication of the future sustainable building in Norway. Both researchers and practitioners have pointed at the Planning and Building Act as a central means to speed up the process and to set the frames for a sustainable development. Based on interviews with experts, I conclude that the building laws are never a direct translation of research results, EU directives and international agreements. These have to be translated, adapted and mediated, i.e. domesticated, to the Norwegian climate and cultural conditions. Particularly in Norway, building researchers consider…

Fra et refleksivt praktiker-ståsted, undersøker avhandlingen utfordringer med kunnskapsintegrasjon på tvers av bygningssektorene. Et kritisk standpunkt blir testet konseptuelt og eksperimentelt i et tverrfaglig rammeverk som binder sammen litteratur fra arkitektur, byggvitenskap, byplanlegging og teknologi- og vitenskapsstudier (STS). Det empiriske grunnlaget for studien er intervjuer og spørreundersøkelser, som sammen utgjør et case fra Sveits. Avhandlingen evaluerer antagelser og praksiser knyttet til politikk for bærekraft og strategier for karbonreduksjon, i forhold til bygninger og det bygde miljøet. Studien er artikkelbasert, og rommer fire artikler som på forskjellige måter knytter teoretiske diskusjoner i feltet til praksis og politikkutvikling.   Addressing the problem…

Peiskos på sparebluss
Publication Year: 2014

Abstract This paper shows the results of a research activity aimed at assessing the advantages of an ideal adaptive building skin over conventional building envelope systems. The basic idea underlying the research consists in imagining an ideal building envelope system characterised by the capability of continuously changing (within a certain range) some of its thermo-physical and optical properties. The reason for the continuous tuning of thermo-physical and optical properties lies in the assumption that an optimised (fixed) configuration, where the properties do not change over time, is not able to minimise the total energy demand of the building at each…

Abstract The paper presents a case study of an office building with a façade integrated PV system in Norway. Due to the urban surrounding the PV system is subject to significant overshadowing. The aim is to optimize the solar energy potential of the building in order to propose improved alternatives to the current system applying a multi-level simulation approach. The first level is performed to calculate the maximum solar potential on the building envelope in an unobstructed scenario. The second level examines the shading effect on the building in its urban context. The analyses allow localizing the areas of the…

Abstract In Norway, a large portion of the building stock originates from the period from 1955 to 1990. Many of these buildings fail to comply with the current building regulations regarding the energy consumption. In this study, the possibility for upgrading a hypothetical apartment building with an oil-based heating system has been investigated employing simulations from the IDA Indoor Climate and Energy software. For the construction of the original building, customs and regulations from the period 1981-90 were employed, and the building envelope was upgraded to the requirements of the Norwegian research centre on Zero Emission Buildings. Two alternative heating…

Et selvdrevent fremtidshus
Publication Year: 2014

Klimavennlige nabolag kommer
Publication Year: 2014

Vil ha karbonnøytrale nabolag
Publication Year: 2014

Droppet solfangere i siste liten
Publication Year: 2014

Abstract The ambition level for the zero emission neighbourhood Aadland is that the area will be self supplied with both thermal and electric energy. This paper presents how emissions from operation of the 500 dwellings are offset by on-site renewable energy production. The paper also describes a procedure for how to deal with embodied emissions from materials in an early stage design phase. The study verifies that it is possible to reach a zero emission balance for the neighbourhood. Zero emission from operation is achievable as an average for the neighbourhood. For individual zero emission buildings this also includes embodied emissions from materials and construction in…

Sammendrag Denne rapporten beskriver resultatene fra et prosjekt hvor vi har gjennomgått og diskutert erfaringer fra et utvalg utbyggingsprosjekter i Norge hvor man har hatt spesielt høye ambisjoner med hensyn tilenergibruk og klimagassutslipp. Prosjektets målsetning er å bidra til økt kunnskap om gode løsninger for utforming av bygninger og energiforsyning for fremtidens boligområder, samt danne underlag for enveileder til bruk i planleggingsprosessen. Hovedkonklusjonen er at det er behov for mer kunnskap og veiledningsmateriale om hvordan man kan integrere dette tidlig i planprosessen. Følgende punkter erspesielt viktige:  Fokus på integrert, tverrfaglig prosjektering fra tidligfase. Formulering av konkrete krav/målsetninger i tidligfase. Undersøkelse av tilgjengelighet og…

Zero Emission Buildings
Authors: Publication Year: 2014

Abstract The current practice of building energy upgrade typically uses thick layers of insulation in order to comply with the energy codes. Similarly, the Norwegian national energy codes for residential buildings are moving towards very low U-values for the building envelope. New and more advanced materials, such as vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) and aerogel, have been presented as alternative solutions to commonly used insulation materials. Both aerogel and VIPs offer very high thermal resistance, which is a favourable characteristic in energy upgrading as the same insulation level can be achieved with thinner insulation layers. This paper presents the results of energy…

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