Resized 20150415 Evenstad illustrasjon 2Illustration : Ola Roald Arkitektur AS

Campus Evenstad consists of new office building and educational building.

Location: Anne Evenstads veg 80, 2480 Koppang, Norway.
Size: 1 100 m2 heated floor area
Developer: Statsbygg
Architect: Ola Roald Arkitektur AS
ZEB-partners involved: Statsbygg, SINTEF Byggforsk and NTNU
Level of ambition: ZEB - COM


Link for the Campus Evenstad homepage

Publications, presentations and articles about Campus Evenstad:

Samspillskontrakt i Hedmark. Published on 27th Jun 2014

Statsbygg tar klimaansvar og bygger ZEB pilotprosjekt på Evenstad. Presented by 16th Sep 2015

Nullutslippsbygg på Campus Evenstad – uten en eneste solcelle. Presented by Inger Johanne, 6th May 2015