The adoption of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in building components is an up-to-date topic and a relevant number of research activities on this issue is currently on the way. A particular application of PCMs in the building envelope focuses on the integration of such a kind of material into transparent envelope components. A numerical model that describes the thermo-physical behaviour of a PCM layer in combination with other transparent materials (i.e. glass panes) is developed to perform numerical analyses on various PCM glazing systems configurations. The paper illustrates the structure of the model, the main equations implemented and the hypotheses…
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Men kondens på utsiden av glasset er godt tegn for strømregningen.
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An office building of about 2000 m2 heated floor area is being designed for the Norwegian Defense Estates Agency (Forsvarsbygg). The building will be located at Haakonsvern, about 15 km from the centre of Bergen, Norway. The design aims at meeting the ZEB criterion of net zero energy balance for building operation during a year. The energy for operation of the plug loads (computers, printers, etc.) is not included in the balance.
Published in Conference papers
Responsive Building Elements (RBEs) and energy storage within the building are considered as a crucial development towards the nearly Zero Energy/Emission Building target. The exploitation at the building scale of renewable energy sources and the opportunities offered by the environment is achieved by the ability of the RBEs to dynamically adapt to changing environmental conditions. Among these concepts, Advanced Integrated Façades (AIFs) are probably one the most promising technologies, due to the important role that the building envelope plays in controlling the energy and mass flows between the building and the outdoor environment. In the framework of a decade-long research…
Published in Conference papers
Responsive Building Elements (RBEs) are technologies for the exploiting at the building scale renewable energy sources and the opportunities offered by the environment. Among the RBE concepts identified by the IEA-ECBCS Annex 44, Advanced Integrated Façades (AIFs) is probably one of the most promising technologies. Important players in the field of the façade have started to develop integrated modular façade systems (Multifunctional Façade Modules - MFMs), with a dynamic behaviour and interacting with the other building services, in order to reduce the building energy consumption and maximize the indoor comfort conditions. In the frame of a research activity aimed at…
Published in Conference papers

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